Monday, May 4, 2015

April 29 to May 1, 2015 Exploring San Salvador

We got up and ready and off we go for a new adventure to tour San Salvador. Our first overnight trip for the four of us on land. We grabbed the bus outside the guard gate for the resort. We left for San Salvador to Arcos. We changed to a very crowded mini bus to San Salvador. We all were crowded into the walkway and each held conversations with local El Salvadorians. Keith was chatting with an older woman sitting by him. Wayne was talking to a young guy, who had lived in Queens, NY for 9 years and is now back in his home country. We walked from the south bus station to Plaza Gerardo Barrios then Keith and Wayne toured the Palacio National. 

The Palacio Nacional (National Palace) is where the seat of the El Salvadorian Congress sat until 1974. The first National Palace was destroyed by fire in 1899, reconstruction was in 1905 and finished in 1911. The building is made up of 105 halls with 4 main halls.  The architecture is reminiscent of French and Italian Renaissance.

Palacio Nacional 

Red Hall with the oil paintings of the Presidents above the doors.

Pink room originally used by the Supreme Court, El Salvador symbol above the center window

Blue hall were the Congress sat, currently under reconstruction

Courtyard in the center of the building. Both sides are mirror images.

We saw a musical instrument collection and art exhibit within the halls of the palace. Extraordinary art work was displayed.

Off we go on a hike across the City to NIT to secure tax identification should we buy motorcycles or a car while here. We stopped on the way to the National Market and found Edificio Siete (Building Seven) for pupusas. 

Walking around the local market while looking for some place to eat.

While walking to the NIT office we were exposed to some very humid weather and hot sun. The graffiti along the walk was amazing.

Touring the streets

Graffiti along a building

Closer view, even the trash can has artwork on it.  The eye is keeping a lookout.

We stayed in Hotel Villa Florencia for the night at $20 per night. Funky, clean hotel with a cool vibe. We waited for a couch surfer from San Salvador to show us the City. 

View towards our room on the left.

Keith sitting in the central area where we meet.

Keith had posted an itinerary on Couchsurfing for our trip to San Salvador. He received an email Julio Colorado asking us what our plans were and that he would like to meet us.  He picked us at the Hotel and took us to La Doña for an authentic Salvadorian night out and invited us to go to Santa Ana volcano on Friday and he would visit on Lungta with us.

The following day was yet another great day in San Salvador. We stopped next door for breakfast with pancakes, eggs and banana, plantanes. We walked to the Claro office, Iglesias Rosario, La Libertad, La Morazán on then Lunch in Plaza Morazán.  

Plaza Gerardo Barrios

Bronze war relief on General Gerardo Barrios statue

Plaza La Libertad

Iglesias Rosario

Street vendors around the City

La Morazán

Our lunches (chicken, rice and Russian salad, meatballs, rice and steamed veggies)

Restaurant we ate at in La Morazán

Plan to go to water clock, Monumento del Mundo but there was a protest and large police presence. The clock is at the bottom of the monument and would be open to view on Friday. 

Monumento al Divino Salvador del Mundo symbol of the city,

We had dinner made up of street food, smoothies (leche/papaya), nachos Cuban, fried banana chips with lime and salt and the smoothies were so good we returned for another smoothie this time leche/guineo (banana) and galleta (chocolate). Then we returned back to the hotel.

Friday, May 1st is Labor Day in Central America.  Julio picked us up early and we grabbed a quick  breakfast at Mister Donut. 

Could not believe we found Mister Donut in San Salvador since Wayne grew up down the street from one in South Attleboro. 

The drive to Santa Ana was great, totally different prospective on the landscape and countryside of this small Central American country.  We drove past Coahtepeque Laguna, amazing volcanic lake of varying shades of blue and green.  Travel to CerroVerde and National Parque Volcanoes Santa Ana. We arrive La Casa Cristal at 11:00. We finished our climb and decent at 14:45. Santa Ana erupted in 2005. Beautiful crater lake with clouds and cool air. 

Coahtepeque Laguna, volcanic lake before Santa Ana

Selfie starting walk Wayne, Julio and Keith

Coahtepeque Laguna in the back ground at the start of the hike

Julio, Wayne and Keith with crater lake behind us, huge drop off here.

Kathy, Keith, Julio and Wayne

Kathy and Julio

Sun split through the clouds to shine on the bubbling water below

Wayne and Keith

Walking around the edge in the clouds

Beautiful flora along the hiking trails. We looked like goats climbing the mountainside. There had to be 75-100 people climbing 

We descended the volcano in about an hour.  We walked over to the resort area.  Izalco volcano was still smoking and has not erupted in 50 years. 

Wayne on the overlook to Izalco volcano

Julio and Wayne on the overlook to Izalco volcano

Izalco volcano

Overlook to Izalco volcano

La Casa Cristal grounds

Julio drove us back to Bahia del Sol and had dinner with us on Lungta. He had to work on Saturday and left at 21:00 back to San Salvador. Keith and Wayne brought him by dinghy back to the marina.

Little boy looking out the car window as we passed.

Thanks for reading, glad we can share this adventure with you.

Wayne & Keith

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