Keith started the drive
Crossing from New York to Canada
Ontario, Canada
Crossing from Canada into Michigan
After returning from Brazil, we hopped in the car the following day for our adventure traveling from MA to MI. With the cellphones on airplane mode we enter Ontario to cut across through Canada shortening the drive without going under the Great Lakes. While driving the roads became confusing and oops, Rerouting and of course without data the maps would not and could not reroute the travel. Luckily, we stayed parallel to the highway and then got back on the correct Route. Back to normal and continue to Michigan with only a slight hiccup.
We were so excited about driving to MI to see Grampy and Gram, the trip seemed to be short. We chatted along the way, switched off driving and drove straight through to Alto. All in all nice weather, made great time and arrived in the daylight, 14 hours later.
The weather in Michigan was cooler than home with Fall temperatures and Lake Michigan winds but overall nice. We helped around the yard and house preparing for the winter. During our time there Grampy had doctor appointments we all went together, notes exchanged between all of us on what was said and what was to be done.
These were the best of times together, sharing together, laughing together and just plain living together despite Grampy's prognosis.
We spent 4 months in Michigan helping out with chores, repairs to the vehicles, cleaning up leaves and just normal preparation for the winter. We had so many good times putting out the Christmas decorations around the house and yard. We ventured over to Saugatuck Dunes State Park on a beautiful fall day with the neighbors, Mike and Barb Blundell.
Thanksgiving was a feast beyond feasts when Mike and Barb came over to share the holiday with us.
Holiday in MI was great with all the family there